mercredi 25 août 2010

End of summer, what joy?

One could say that summer 2010 was hot. Goodbye sun warms my skin, hello clod autumn wind, but all good things must end. Sad. Positives points: new episodes of Gossip Girl, a good reason to redo your wardrobe, christmas approaching. Hope love will also be there!

A chinese cookie told me that this year will be a good year, I hope you tell the truth, sweet cookie.

mercredi 11 août 2010

Summer of Love

Is it time for love? Summer is the time to appreciate every moment, every sunny day and every party night, is it also the time to love? Since early July, my facebook homepage is monopolized by the relationships of my friends. She is now in a relationship with, he went from couple to single, they are in couple and it's complicated. Stop now!

I myself have trouble getting ride of this mania. This feeling we have when we really want to be with this particular person, this feeling that most of the time, is so strong that it hurts us. In this case, it takes only cross your fingers and wait and ,maybe a lucky star will come to your rescue because the love is the most dangerous drug.

mardi 10 août 2010

Dreamcatchers Obession

Well, yes.. I started to love these fuc**** dreamcatchers. It's stronger than me, I want one. Fashiontoast is to blamed, since I'm addict to this blog, my life revolves around it and I'm starting to think that it is a drug.
I confess, I love Fashiontoast
ps; sorry if my translation isn't good, I do not speak english
thanks :)